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the men of a community

  • 1 community

    •• Community the people living in one place, district or country, considered as a whole; group of persons having the same religion, race, occupation, etc. or with common interests (A.S. Hornby).

    •• Это слово становится трудным в тех случаях, когда употребляется в социологическом значении, отражающем современную трактовку понятия «община». Так, community development в ООН принято переводить развитие общин. Конечно, по-русски слово община имеет совершенно «не те» коннотации, связанные в основном с нашим прошлым, с дореволюционной сельской общиной. Во многих случаях приемлем – и гораздо лучше звучит – перевод сообщество. Там же, где это слово употребляется нетерминологически, нужно исходить из возможности переноса центра тяжести с «социологии» на «географию». Ведь по определению Webster’s Third New International Dictionary, community – the people living in a particular place or region and usually linked by common interests, broadly: the region itself; any population cluster. Пример: Many communities have turned to private security companies. – Многие населенные пункты прибегают к услугам частных охранных компаний. Другой пример: Business Week пишет о последствиях ликвидации компаний: devastated work lives and communities. В переводе такого текста размер «населенного пункта» не имеет значения, поэтому можно сказать просто сломанные жизни и умирающие города. Еще варианты перевода слова communityграждане, население, иногда местная общественность. Переводчик должен быть готов проявить изобретательность. Вот пример из мемуаров Дж. Кеннана (он пишет о президенте Эйзенхауэре): He was respected around the Gettysburg region, where he had bought his farm, but was never a member of the community....но так и не стал своим для тех, кто жил рядом с ним.
    •• Еще словосочетания с community: community work общественная работа по месту жительства (или бесплатная работа в порядке наказания за небольшие правонарушения); community leaders представители местной общественности; community center – нечто среднее между домом культуры, общественно-политическим центром и клубом общения; community collegeколледж-техникум, среднее специальное учебное заведение (двухгодичное). Нередко перевод, что называется, «лежит на поверхности»: the business community – деловые круги, the university community – университетская общественность, the scientific community – научный мир.
    •• В словаре Americana под редакцией Г.В.Чернова словарная статья community резюмируется следующим образом: «Это слово имеет самое широкое значение и лишь приблизительно соответствует русскому понятию “коллектив”». Интересное «определение» я обнаружил в журнале Men’s Health: Like prayer, “community” can be broadly and secularly defined. It can mean being part of a close-knit family, being married, or having best friends you can ask for advice. It can include playing on a softball team or getting together with guys for a monthly soccer game... All these different types of social interaction produce a degree of comfort, reassurance, diversion, laughter and love that is ultimately healthful. Здесь community – тоже своего рода «коллектив», но ближе к понятию общность. А вот пример такого же плана, где, на мой взгляд, самым удачным переводом будет просто окружающие: Boys are hardwired to love the rough and tumble but need attention from their family and community (Time). В этом примере интересно слово hardwired. Перевод: Мальчики от природы склонны к острым ощущениям, но они по природе своей нуждаются во внимании со стороны семьи и окружающих.
    •• * Community work (как назначаемая судом мера наказания) – общественно-полезные бесплатные работы. Услышано по радио в материале о поправках к уголовному кодексу, согласно которым предлагается во многих случаях заменить тюремное заключение на другие меры, в том числе эту.

    English-Russian nonsystematic dictionary > community

  • 2 community

    1. сущ.
    1) общность а) общее, совместное владение чем-л.;
    общая собственность community of acquests ≈ общность приобретенного имущества, общность доходов community of goods ≈ общность имущества Syn: tenure б) похожие, согласованные взгляды, схожесть характеров и т. п. a state whose strength lies in the community of interests and feelings among its membersгосударство, чья сила заключена в общности интересов и чувств его граждан в) общность, тождественность интересов community of criminal purpose ≈ общность преступной цели community of interestобщность интересов
    2) группа лиц, организованная как политическая, муниципальная или социальная общность а) государство Europe was broken into many separate communities. ≈ Европа разделилась на большое количество отдельных государств. б) группа лиц, живущих в одном месте, районе и т. п. During the Norman period London appears to have been a collection of small communities, manors, parishes, church-sokens, and guilds. ≈ В норманнский период Лондон представлял собой скопление небольших коммун, поместий, приходов, церковных округов и гильдий. в) община, землячество( группа лиц, объединенных общим происхождением, религиозными воззрениями и т. п., которые отличают их от людей, проживающих рядом с ними) the Jewish community ≈ еврейская община г) группа лиц, занятых в какой-л. области business community ≈ деловые круги governmental community ≈ правительственный аппарат д) (the community) общество Such men become a burden to the community. ≈ Такие люди становятся обузой для общества. Syn: the public е) объединение, сообщество world communityмировое сообщество European Economic CommunityЕвропейское экономическое сообщество
    3) коммуна группа лиц, живущих вместе и имеющих общую собственность
    2. прил.
    1) общественный community chest амер. ≈ общественная касса community care ≈ общественная забота community feeling ≈ общественные настроения, настроения общества community life ≈ общественная жизнь
    2) неспециальный, общий community singing ≈ любительское пение community theatreнепрофессиональный (любительский) театр община;
    - foreign * in a country община иностранцев в какой-л стране;
    - religious * религиозная община;
    - * of monks монашеская обитель группа населения (объединенная по религиозному, расовому или национальному признаку) - Greek and Turkish communities in Cyprus греческая и турецкая общины на Кипре (the *) общество;
    - the welfare of the * благосостояние общества;
    - * study социологическое исследование населенный пункт работники, кадры;
    - scientific * научная общественность;
    научные круги;
    - business * деловые круги сообщество, объединение;
    - international * международное сообщество;
    - European Coal and Steel C. Европейское объединение угля и стали (биология) сообщество, ценоз, фитоценоз, зооценоз общность;
    - * of goods общность владения имуществом;
    - * of thoughts and feeling общность мыслей и чувств;
    - * of race принадлежность к одной расе общий, неспециальный;
    - * theater (американизм) непрофессионалный театр;
    - * singing выступления народного хора;
    - * medicine медицинское обслуживание какого-л района общественный;
    - * playground общественная детская или спортивная площадка;
    - * kitchen (американизм) общественная кухня;
    - * spirit чувство принадлежности к данному обществу или общине agricultural ~ сельская община agricultural ~ сельскохозяйственные круги agricultural ~ фермеры community: business ~ деловые круги children's ~ детский дом, школа-интернат;
    детский городок community государство ~ группа населения ~ местность, населенный пункт, округа;
    жители микрорайона ~ (the ~) общество;
    the interests of the community интересы общества ~ общество ~ община ~ общность, общность имущества ~ общность;
    community of goods общность владения имуществом ~ общность ~ объединение, сообщество ~ объединение ~ группа лиц, объединенных какими-л. признаками;
    объединение, сообщество;
    national communities национальные образования;
    world community мировое сообщество ~ содружество ~ сообщество Community: Community: ~ arrangement for relief from duty соглашение о таможенных льготах для стран Европейского экономического сообщества community: community: ~ attr. общественный;
    community centre здание или помещение для проведения культурных и общественных мероприятий;
    community theatre амер. непрофессиональный (любительский) театр Community: Community: ~ driving licence водительские права Европейского экономического сообщества community: community: ~ of estate общность владения имуществом Community: Community: at ~ level в рамках Европейского экономического сообщества community: community: business ~ деловые круги community: ~ attr. общественный;
    community centre здание или помещение для проведения культурных и общественных мероприятий;
    community theatre амер. непрофессиональный (любительский) театр community: ~ of estate общность владения имуществом ~ общность;
    community of goods общность владения имуществом community: ~ of goods общность владения имуществом ~ of goods общность имущества ~ of goods in marriage общность владения имуществом в браке ~ of interest общность интересов ~ of interests общность интересов ~ of nations сообщество наций ~ of property общность владения имуществом ~ of property by agreement общность владения имуществом по соглашению community: ~ attr. общественный;
    community centre здание или помещение для проведения культурных и общественных мероприятий;
    community theatre амер. непрофессиональный (любительский) театр compulsory ~ of property принудительная общность имущества financial ~ финансовые круги human factors ~ специалисты по инженерной психологии industrial ~ промышленные круги ~ (the ~) общество;
    the interests of the community интересы общества international ~ международное сообщество legal ~ правовое сообщество local ~ местная община mercantile ~ торговое сообщество ~ группа лиц, объединенных какими-л. признаками;
    объединение, сообщество;
    national communities национальные образования;
    world community мировое сообщество national ~ национальная община receiving ~ принимающая группа religious ~ религиозное общество urban ~ город ~ группа лиц, объединенных какими-л. признаками;
    объединение, сообщество;
    national communities национальные образования;
    world community мировое сообщество

    Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > community

  • 3 men

    1. люди; мужчины
    2. мужчина; мужской
    Синонимический ряд:
    1. boys (noun) boys; bucks; chaps; cusses; fellows; gentlemen; guys; skates; snaps
    2. humans (noun) beings; bodies; creatures; humans; individuals; lives; mortals; parties; personages; persons; souls
    3. husbands (noun) husbands; lords; misters
    4. lovers (noun) boyfriends; fancy men; lovers; masters; paramours
    5. populace (noun) audience; citizens; following; masses; people; populace; public; society; the community

    English-Russian base dictionary > men

  • 4 the Hoosier State

    амер.; шутл.
    "деревенский штат" ( прозвище штата Индиана)

    Life does strange things to human beings. Charles T. Alston had been raised in a small farming community of Indiana, and here he was, a specialist in geography, ethnography, and allied branches of learning, helping to decide the destinies of men in lands, whose very names were unknown to the people of Hoosier State. (U. Sinclair, ‘World's End’, ch. 26) — Порою жизнь выкидывает странные штуки. Чарлз Т. Олстон вырос в маленьком фермерском поселке в штате Индиана, и вот теперь он, специалист по вопросам географии, этнографии и смежных областей, помогал решать судьбы народов далеких стран, самые названия которых были неизвестны жителям его родного "деревенского" штата.

    Large English-Russian phrasebook > the Hoosier State

  • 5 Taize community

    Религия: (A Protestant religious community of men founded in the 1940s in France for a life of worship and dedication in the traditional ways of celibacy, obedience, and community of goods) Община Тезе

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > Taize community

  • 6 Anglican religious community

    Религия: (Any of various religious communities for men and for women that first began developing within the Anglican Communion in the 19th century) англиканское религиозное сообщество

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > Anglican religious community

  • 7 Taize community (A Protestant religious community of men founded in the 1940s in France for a life of worship and dedication in the traditional ways of celibacy, obedience, and community of goods)

    Религия: Община Тезе

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > Taize community (A Protestant religious community of men founded in the 1940s in France for a life of worship and dedication in the traditional ways of celibacy, obedience, and community of goods)

  • 8 Anglican religious community (Any of various religious communities for men and for women that first began developing within the Anglican Communion in the 19th century)

    Религия: англиканское религиозное сообщество

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > Anglican religious community (Any of various religious communities for men and for women that first began developing within the Anglican Communion in the 19th century)

  • 9 sveitar-menn

    m. pl the men of a community or district; þar var sett héraðs-þing með ráði allra sveitarmanna, Landn. 97; þá menn heldr enn aðra sveitarmenn, Ísl. ii. 324; vóru þeir allir sveitarmenn, Sturl. i. 146; sveitarmenn skulu leggja tíund, Vm. 36: in mod. usage, see II. 3.

    Íslensk-ensk orðabók > sveitar-menn

  • 10 ayudar

    to help.
    ayudar a alguien a hacer algo to help somebody (to) do something
    ¿en qué puedo ayudarle? how can I help you?
    ¿puedo ayudar? can I help?
    Ella asiste a todo el mundo She helps everybody.
    * * *
    1 to help, aid, assist
    ¿en qué podemos ayudarte? how can we help you?
    1 (apoyarse) to make use (de/con, of)
    * * *
    to help, aid, assist
    * * *
    VT (=asistir) to help, assist, aid

    ¿me puedes ayudar con la limpieza esta tarde? — can you help me out with the cleaning this afternoon?

    me ayuda muchísimo — he's a great help to me, he helps me a lot

    AYUDAR Ayudar se puede traducir por help, assist y aid. La manera más frecuente de traducir ayudar es por help. Si help va seguido de un verbo, este puede ir en infinitivo {con} {o} {sin} to: ¿Puedes ayudarnos? Can you help (us)? Siempre le ayuda con la tarea He always helps her with her homework ¿Me puedes ayudar a preparar la cena? Can you help me (to) get dinner ready? ► Ayudar se traduce por assist en un registro bastante más formal y se construye frecuentemente en la estructura to assist somebody with something: La comadrona ayudó al médico con el parto The midwife assisted the doctor with the delivery ► Ayudar se traduce por aid en inglés formal en el contexto de asesorar o prestar ayuda a un grupo de personas necesitadas: ... los intentos de Estados Unidos de ayudar a los refugiados kurdos...... attempts by the United States to aid Kurdish refugees... Para otros usos y ejemplos ver la entrada
    * * *
    verbo transitivo to help

    ¿te ayudo? — do you need any help?

    ayudar a alguien a + inf — to help somebody (to) + inf

    ayudar vi to help

    ¿puedo ayudar en algo? — can o shall I give you a hand?, can I do anything to help?

    ayudar a or en misa — to serve at mass

    ayudarse v pron to help oneself

    ayudarse de or con algo: camina ayudándose de or con un bastón — he walks with the aid o help of a stick

    * * *
    = aid, do + good, encourage, enlighten, help, provide + assistance, provide + guidance, tide over, assist, jump-start [jump start], lend + a (helping) hand, pull + Posesivo + (own) weight, give + Nombre + a hand, pull together, put + Posesivo + shoulder to the wheel, set + Posesivo + shoulder to the wheel, muck in, pitch in, chip in, succour [succor, -USA].
    Ex. Although others aided in the compilation of the schedules they were essentially the work of one man.
    Ex. You do not do the users a lot of good when you send them jumping all over the catalog simply to draw together material.
    Ex. A common catalogue encourages users to regard the different information carrying media as part of range of media.
    Ex. Librarians often work with students who possess few library skills and teachers whose assignments neither improve these skills nor enlighten the students on their research.
    Ex. How can we help library users to gain confidence?.
    Ex. Its purpose is to provide advice and on-site salvage assistance to those organisations having documentary resources that are damaged in a natural or man-made disaster.
    Ex. There are standards which provide guidance on the construction of thesauri.
    Ex. Reading aloud, in these circumstances, might be the only contact the adolescent gets with literature, tiding him over to the time when he is prepared to read for himself again.
    Ex. Any project which assists the use of coal and steel would be eligible.
    Ex. Jump-start your learning experience by participating in 1 or 2 half-day seminars that will help you come up to speed on the new vocabularies, processes and architectures underlying effective content management.
    Ex. In a small shop the master would lend a hand with the work, certainly as a corrector and often as a compositor as well.
    Ex. Sometimes one person is left with all the work because their partner doesn't pull their weight.
    Ex. These centres help women rebuild lives by giving them a hand up, not a handout.
    Ex. She tells a story of courage in which the crew and the mission control pull together to work the problem through.
    Ex. They've all been putting their shoulder to the wheel and it's paid off.
    Ex. The Bolsheviks have manfully set their shoulders to the wheel undaunted by this staggering catastrophe.
    Ex. All our neighbours, relatives, friends, we all mucked in and helped each other -- they were mostly all women because all the men had gone to war.
    Ex. It's up to everyone to pitch in and help those who find themselves lacking the most basic of necessities -- food.
    Ex. We're asking you to 'chip in' by investing your time and talents in your parks and your community.
    Ex. There are tens of thousands of hungry children in the world today and well-meant efforts are being made to succour them.
    * a quien madruga, Dios le ayuda = the early bird catches the worm.
    * ayudar a = play + an instrumental role in.
    * ayudar a Alguien a recuperarse = help + Nombre + get on + Posesivo + feet.
    * ayudar a Alguien a salir adelante = help + Nombre + get on + Posesivo + feet.
    * ayudar a comprender mejor = offer + insights, improve + understanding, give + an insight into, glean + insights, provide + insight into, lend + understanding to.
    * ayudar a conocer mejor = advance + understanding.
    * ayudar a eliminar obstáculos = clear + the path, clear + the way.
    * ayudar a entender mejor = lend + understanding to.
    * ayudar a + Infinitivo = go some (of the) way to(wards) + Gerundio.
    * ayudar a la causa de = help + in the cause of.
    * ayudar a + Nombre/Infinitivo = assist in + Nombre/Gerundio.
    * ayudar a pasar por = get + Nombre + through.
    * ayudar a superar = get + Nombre + through.
    * ayudar bastante a = go + a long way (towards/to/in) + Gerundio.
    * ayudar e instigar = aid and abet.
    * dispuesto a ayudar = willing, willing to help.
    * estar siempre dispuesto a ayudar = be always willing to assist.
    * que no ayuda a distinguir = nondistinctive.
    * utensilio para ayudar a caminar = walking aid.
    * * *
    verbo transitivo to help

    ¿te ayudo? — do you need any help?

    ayudar a alguien a + inf — to help somebody (to) + inf

    ayudar vi to help

    ¿puedo ayudar en algo? — can o shall I give you a hand?, can I do anything to help?

    ayudar a or en misa — to serve at mass

    ayudarse v pron to help oneself

    ayudarse de or con algo: camina ayudándose de or con un bastón — he walks with the aid o help of a stick

    * * *
    = aid, do + good, encourage, enlighten, help, provide + assistance, provide + guidance, tide over, assist, jump-start [jump start], lend + a (helping) hand, pull + Posesivo + (own) weight, give + Nombre + a hand, pull together, put + Posesivo + shoulder to the wheel, set + Posesivo + shoulder to the wheel, muck in, pitch in, chip in, succour [succor, -USA].

    Ex: Although others aided in the compilation of the schedules they were essentially the work of one man.

    Ex: You do not do the users a lot of good when you send them jumping all over the catalog simply to draw together material.
    Ex: A common catalogue encourages users to regard the different information carrying media as part of range of media.
    Ex: Librarians often work with students who possess few library skills and teachers whose assignments neither improve these skills nor enlighten the students on their research.
    Ex: How can we help library users to gain confidence?.
    Ex: Its purpose is to provide advice and on-site salvage assistance to those organisations having documentary resources that are damaged in a natural or man-made disaster.
    Ex: There are standards which provide guidance on the construction of thesauri.
    Ex: Reading aloud, in these circumstances, might be the only contact the adolescent gets with literature, tiding him over to the time when he is prepared to read for himself again.
    Ex: Any project which assists the use of coal and steel would be eligible.
    Ex: Jump-start your learning experience by participating in 1 or 2 half-day seminars that will help you come up to speed on the new vocabularies, processes and architectures underlying effective content management.
    Ex: In a small shop the master would lend a hand with the work, certainly as a corrector and often as a compositor as well.
    Ex: Sometimes one person is left with all the work because their partner doesn't pull their weight.
    Ex: These centres help women rebuild lives by giving them a hand up, not a handout.
    Ex: She tells a story of courage in which the crew and the mission control pull together to work the problem through.
    Ex: They've all been putting their shoulder to the wheel and it's paid off.
    Ex: The Bolsheviks have manfully set their shoulders to the wheel undaunted by this staggering catastrophe.
    Ex: All our neighbours, relatives, friends, we all mucked in and helped each other -- they were mostly all women because all the men had gone to war.
    Ex: It's up to everyone to pitch in and help those who find themselves lacking the most basic of necessities -- food.
    Ex: We're asking you to 'chip in' by investing your time and talents in your parks and your community.
    Ex: There are tens of thousands of hungry children in the world today and well-meant efforts are being made to succour them
    * a quien madruga, Dios le ayuda = the early bird catches the worm.
    * ayudar a = play + an instrumental role in.
    * ayudar a Alguien a recuperarse = help + Nombre + get on + Posesivo + feet.
    * ayudar a Alguien a salir adelante = help + Nombre + get on + Posesivo + feet.
    * ayudar a comprender mejor = offer + insights, improve + understanding, give + an insight into, glean + insights, provide + insight into, lend + understanding to.
    * ayudar a conocer mejor = advance + understanding.
    * ayudar a eliminar obstáculos = clear + the path, clear + the way.
    * ayudar a entender mejor = lend + understanding to.
    * ayudar a + Infinitivo = go some (of the) way to(wards) + Gerundio.
    * ayudar a la causa de = help + in the cause of.
    * ayudar a + Nombre/Infinitivo = assist in + Nombre/Gerundio.
    * ayudar a pasar por = get + Nombre + through.
    * ayudar a superar = get + Nombre + through.
    * ayudar bastante a = go + a long way (towards/to/in) + Gerundio.
    * ayudar e instigar = aid and abet.
    * dispuesto a ayudar = willing, willing to help.
    * estar siempre dispuesto a ayudar = be always willing to assist.
    * que no ayuda a distinguir = nondistinctive.
    * utensilio para ayudar a caminar = walking aid.

    * * *
    ayudar [A1 ]
    to help
    ayudar al prójimo to help one's neighbor
    ¿te ayudo? do you need any help?, can o shall I help you?, can o shall I give you a hand? ( colloq)
    vino a ayudarme unos días she came to help me out for a few days
    ayudar a algn CON algo to help sb WITH sth
    ayuda a tu hermano con los deberes help your brother with his homework
    mis padres me ayudaron con los gastos de la fiesta my parents helped me (out) with the cost of the party
    ayudar a algn A + INF to help sb (to) + INF
    ayúdame a poner la mesa help me (to) set the table
    lo ayudé a arreglar la moto I helped him (to) fix his motorbike
    ■ ayudar
    to help
    ¿puedo ayudar en algo? can o shall I give you a hand?, can I do anything to help?, can I help you with anything?
    ayudar a or en misa to serve at mass
    to help oneself
    tú mismo tienes que ayudarte you've got to do something to help yourself
    para ayudarse empezó a dar clases de inglés he started giving English classes to earn a bit more money
    ayudarse DE or CON algo:
    camina ayudándose de or con un bastón he walks with the aid o help of a stick, he walks with a stick
    * * *


    ayudar ( conjugate ayudar) verbo transitivo
    to help;

    ¿te ayudo? do you need any help?;
    vino a ayudarme she came to help me out;
    ayúdame a poner la mesa help me (to) set the table
    verbo intransitivo
    to help;
    ¿puedo ayudar en algo? can I do anything to help?
    ayudar verbo transitivo to help: ¿puedes ayudarme a mover la mesa?, can you help me to move the table? ➣ Ver nota en help

    ' ayudar' also found in these entries:
    - imposible
    - volcarse
    - asistir
    - condición
    - dedicar
    - favorecer
    - mano
    - mucho
    - poco
    - pretender
    - solícito
    - appreciate
    - assist
    - back
    - desire
    - finger
    - fund
    - help
    - help out
    - minister
    - offer
    - ostensible
    - pitch in
    - propensity
    - see
    - short
    - talk down
    - tide over
    - unable
    - useful
    - wave aside
    - anything
    - do
    - not
    - patch
    - precious
    - rally
    - rely
    - sorry
    - unhelpful
    - way
    - well
    * * *
    to help;
    ayudar a alguien a hacer algo to help sb (to) do sth;
    me ayudaron a subir el piano they helped me carry the piano up;
    una profesora particular le ayuda en los estudios a private tutor is helping him with his studies;
    necesito que me ayuden con este problema I need your help with this problem;
    ¿en qué puedo ayudarle? how can I help you?
    to help;
    ¿puedo ayudar? can I help?
    * * *
    v/t help;
    ¿le ayudo? can I help?, would you like some help?;
    le ayudó a ponerse el abrigo he helped her put on her coat
    * * *
    ayudar vt
    : to help, to assist
    * * *
    ayudar vb to help

    Spanish-English dictionary > ayudar

  • 11 GOÐI

    m. heathen priest; chief (in Iceland during the republic).
    * * *
    a, m. [Ulf, renders ἱερεύς by gudja (ufar-gudja, ahumista-gudja, etc.), ἱερατεία by gudjinassus, ἱερατεύειν by gudjinôn; an Icel. gyði, gen. gyðja, would answer better to the Goth. form, but it never occurs, except that the fem. gyðja = goddess and priestess points not to goði, but to a masc. with a suppressed final i, gyði; a word coting occurs in O. H. G. glossaries, prob. meaning the same; and the form guþi twice occurs on Danish-Runic stones in Nura-guþi and Saulva-guþi, explained as goði by P. G. Thorsen, Danske Runem.; (Rafn’s explanation and reading of Nura-guþi qs. norðr á Gauði, is scarcely right): with this exception this word is nowhere recorded till it appears in Icel., where it got a wide historical bearing]:—prop. a priest, sacerdos, and hence a liege-lord or chief of the Icel. Commonwealth.
    A. HISTORICAL REMARKS.—The Norse chiefs who settled in Icel., finding the country uninhabited, solemnly took possession of the land (land-nám, q. v.); and in order to found a community they built a temple, and called themselves by the name of goði or hof-goði, ‘temple-priest;’ and thus the temple became the nucleus of the new community, which was called goðorð, n.:—hence hof-goði, temple-priest, and höfðingi, chief, became synonymous, vide Eb. passim. Many independent goðar and goðorð sprang up all through the country, until about the year 930 the alþingi (q. v.) was erected, where all the petty sovereign chiefs (goðar) entered into a kind of league, and laid the foundation of a general government for the whole island. In 964 A. D. the constitution was finally settled, the number of goðorð being fixed at three in each þing ( shire), and three þing in each of the three other quarters, (but four in the north); thus the number of goðar came to be nominally thirty-nine, really thirty-six, as the four in the north were only reckoned as three, vide Íb. ch. 5. On the introduction of Christianity the goðar lost their priestly character, but kept the name; and the new bishops obtained seats in the Lögrétta (vide biskup). About the year 1004 there were created new goðar (and goðorð), who had to elect judges to the Fifth Court, but they had no seats in the Lögrétta, and since that time the law distinguishes between forn ( old) and ný ( new) goðorð;—in Glúm. ch. 1 the word forn is an anachronism. It is curious that, especially in the 12th century, the goðar used to take the lesser Orders from political reasons, in order to resist the Romish clergy, who claimed the right of forbidding laymen to be lords of churches or to deal with church matters; thus the great chief Jón Loptsson was a sub-deacon; at last, about 1185, the archbishop of Norway forbade the bishops of Icel. to ordain any holder of a goðorð, unless they first gave up the goðorð, fyrir því bjóðum vér biskupum at vígja eigi þá menn er goðorð hafa, D. I. i. 291. In the middle of the 13th century the king of Norway induced the goðar to hand their power over to him, and thus the union with Norway was finally brought about in the year 1262; since that time, by the introduction of new codes (1272 and 1281), the name and dignity of goðar and goðorð disappeared altogether, so that the name begins and ends with the Commonwealth.
    B. DUTIES.—In the alþingi the goðar were invested with the Lögrettu-skipan (q. v.), that is to say, they composed the Lögrétta (the Legislative consisting of forty-eight members—on the irregularity of the number vide Íb. ch. 5), and were the lawgivers of the country; secondly, they had the dómnefna (q. v.), or right of naming the men who were to sit in the courts, vide dómr:—as to their duties in the quarter-parliaments (vár-þing) vide Grág. Þ. Þ. and the Sagas. The authority of the goðar over their liegemen at home was in olden times somewhat patriarchal, vide e. g. the curious passage in Hænsaþ. S. ch. 2; though no section of law relating to this interesting part of the old history is on record, we can glean much information from the Sagas. It is to be borne in mind that the goðar of the Saga time (10th century) and those of the Grágás and Sturlunga time (12th and 13th centuries) were very different; the former were a kind of sovereign chiefs, who of free will entered into a league; the latter had become officials, who for neglecting their duties in parliament might be fined, and even forfeit the goðorð to their liegemen, vide Grág. Þ. Þ. Neither þing (q. v.) nor goðorð was ever strictly geographical (such is the opinion of Konrad Maurer), but changed from time to time; the very word goðorð is defined as ‘power’ (veldi), and was not subject to the payment of tithe, K. Þ. K. 142. The goðorð could be parcelled out by inheritance or by sale; or they might, as was the case in the latter years of the Commonwealth, accumulate in one hand, vide esp. Sturl. passim, and Grág. The liegemen (þingmenn) were fully free to change their lords (ganga í lög með goða, ganga ór lögum); every franklin (þingmaðr) had in parliament to declare his þingfesti, i. e. to name his liegeship, and say to what goði and þing he belonged, and the goði had to acknowledge him; so that a powerful or skilful chief might have liegemen scattered all over the country. But the nomination to the courts and the right of sitting in the legislative body were always bound to the old names, as fixed by the settlement of the year 964; and any one who sought the name or influence of a goði had first (by purchase, inheritance, or otherwise) to become possessor of a share of one of the old traditionary goðorð; see the interesting chapter in Nj. The three goðar in one þing ( shire) were called sam-goða, joint-goðar; for the sense of allsherjar-goði vide p. 17.
    C. NAMES.—Sometimes a chief’s name referred to the god whom he especially worshipped, as Freys-Goði, Hrafn., Gísl., whence Freys-gyðlingar, q. v.; (the ör-goði is dubious); more frequently the name referred to the liegemen or county, e. g. Ljósvetninga-Goði, Tungu-Goði, etc.; but in the Saga time, goði was often added to the name almost as a cognomen, and with some, as Snorri, it became a part of their name (as Cato Censor in Latin); hann varðveitti þá hof, var hann þá kallaðr Snorri Goði, Eb. 42; seg, at sá sendi, er meiri vin var húsfreyjunnar at Fróðá en Goðans at Helgafelli, 332. Names on record in the Sagas:—men living from A. D. 874 to 964, Hallsteinn Goði, Landn., Eb.; Sturla Goði, Landn. 65; Jörundr Goði and Hróarr Tungu-Goði, id.; Ljótólfr Goði, Sd.; Hrafnkell Freys-Goði, Hrafn.; Oddr Tungu-Goði, Landn.; Þormóðr Karnár-Goði, Vd.; Áskell Goði, Rd.; Úlfr Ör-goði, Landn.; Grímkell Goði, Harð. S.; Þorgrímr Freys-goði, Gísl. 100, 110:—964 to 1030, Arnkell Goði, Landn., Eb.; Þorgrímr Goði, Eb.; Geirr Goði, Landn., Nj.; Runólfr Goði, id.; Þóroddr Goði, Kristni S.; Þormóðr Allsherjar-Goði, Landn.; Þorgeirr Goði, or Ljósvetninga-Goði, Nj., Landn.; (Þorkell Krafla) Vatnsdæla-Goði, Vd.; Helgi Hofgarða-Goði, Landn., Eb.; Snorri Hlíðarmanna-Goði, Lv.; Þórarinn Langdæla-Goði, Heiðarv. S.; and last, not least, Snorri Goði:—in the following period goði appears, though very rarely, as an appellative, e. g. Þormóðr Skeiðar-Goði (about 1100):—of the new goðar of 1004, Höskuldr Hvítaness-Goði, Nj.:—used ironically, Ingjaldr Sauðeyja-Goði, Ld.
    2. goðorð mentioned by name,—in the south, Allsherjar-goðorð, Landn. (App.) 336; Dalverja-goðorð, Sturl. ii. 48; Lundarmanna-goðorð, i. 223; Reykhyltinga-goðorð, 104, iii. 166, 169; Bryndæla-goðorð, Kjaln. S. 402: in the north, Ljósvetninga-goðorð, Lv. ch. 30; Möðruvellinga-goðorð, Bs. i. 488; Vatnsdæla-goðorð, Fs. 68; Fljótamanna-goðorð, Sturl. i. 138: in the west, Snorrunga-goðorð, 55; Jöklamanna-goðorð, iii. 166; Rauðmelinga-goðorð, Eb. 288; Reyknesinga-goðorð, Sturl. i. 9, 19; Þórsnesinga-goðorð, 198: the new godords of the Fifth Court, Laufæsinga-goðorð, Nj. 151; Melamanna-goðorð, id., Band., Sturl. i. 227. Passages in the Sagas and Laws referring to goðar and goðorð are very numerous, e. g. Íb. ch. 5, Nj. ch. 98, Grág., Lögréttu-þáttr, and Þ. Þ. passim, esp. ch. 1–5, 17, 35, 37, 39, 44, 58, 60, 61, Lv. ch. 4 (interesting), Vd. ch. 27, 41 (in fine), and 42, Vápn., Hrafn. ch. 2, Eb. ch. 10, 56, Sturl. iii. 98, 104, passim; for the accumulation of godords, see i. 227 (3, 22), Bs. i. 54; for the handing over the godords to the king of Norway, D. I. i; and esp. article 3 of the Sáttmáli, D. I. i. 631, 632. The godords were tithe-free, ef maðr á goðorð, ok þarf eigi þat til tíundar at telja, vald er þat en eigi fé:, K. Þ. K. 142.
    COMPDS: goðakviðr, goðalýrittr, goðaþáttr.
    II. = goð, i. e. good genius, in the Icel. game at dice called goða-tafl, with the formula, heima ræð eg goða minn bæði vel og lengi, … og kasta eg svo fyrir þig, cp. also ást-goði.

    Íslensk-ensk orðabók > GOÐI

  • 12 colaborar

    1 to collaborate.
    2 to contribute.
    3 to collaborate with.
    Le colaboró a ella He collaborated with her.
    * * *
    1 to collaborate ( con, with)
    2 (prensa) to contribute (en, to)
    * * *

    te necesitamos ¡colabora! — we need you, come and join us!

    colaborar a algo — to contribute to sth

    colaborar con algo, colaboramos con los movimientos pacifistas — we are collaborating with the peace groups

    colaborar en algo, nuestra empresa colaborará en el proyecto — our company is to collaborate on the project

    colaborar en un periódico — to contribute to a newspaper, write for a newspaper

    * * *
    verbo intransitivo

    colaborar con alguien/algo — to collaborate with somebody/something

    colabore con nosotros, mantenga limpia la ciudad — help us keep the city clean

    colaborar en algo en proyecto to collaborate on something

    * * *
    = collaborate, cooperate [co-operate], join + forces, play + ball, team, partner, pull + Posesivo + (own) weight, lend + a (helping) hand, pull together, put + Posesivo + shoulder to the wheel, set + Posesivo + shoulder to the wheel, muck in, pitch in.
    Ex. A joint author is a person who collaborates with one or more other persons to produce a work in relation to which the collaborators perform the same function.
    Ex. By 1960 a draft code had been produced, and from this time on, British and American Committees co-operated closely.
    Ex. Therefore, school librarians need to find ways of joining forces with publishers, booksellers and other librarians.
    Ex. She then said: 'If you want to fare reasonably well, you better play ball with me'.
    Ex. Information Today, Inc. and I are teaming to create a series of articles to be published in Computers in Libraries which will provide user ratings of library automation software.
    Ex. The article 'Let's partner as patriots' maintains that in recent years some people have begun to view the public library as an anachronism.
    Ex. Sometimes one person is left with all the work because their partner doesn't pull their weight.
    Ex. In a small shop the master would lend a hand with the work, certainly as a corrector and often as a compositor as well.
    Ex. She tells a story of courage in which the crew and the mission control pull together to work the problem through.
    Ex. They've all been putting their shoulder to the wheel and it's paid off.
    Ex. The Bolsheviks have manfully set their shoulders to the wheel undaunted by this staggering catastrophe.
    Ex. All our neighbours, relatives, friends, we all mucked in and helped each other -- they were mostly all women because all the men had gone to war.
    Ex. It's up to everyone to pitch in and help those who find themselves lacking the most basic of necessities -- food.
    * colaborando estrechamente = in close collaboration.
    * colaborar con = team up (with), partner with, become + engaged (in/with), engage with, consort with.
    * colaborar conjuntamente = work + cooperatively.
    * * *
    verbo intransitivo

    colaborar con alguien/algo — to collaborate with somebody/something

    colabore con nosotros, mantenga limpia la ciudad — help us keep the city clean

    colaborar en algo en proyecto to collaborate on something

    * * *
    colaborar (con)
    (v.) = team up (with), partner with, become + engaged (in/with), engage with, consort with

    Ex: Blackwells, for example, has teamed up with the highly successful CARL Uncover service in the US.

    Ex: To what extent and in what manner should public libraries partner with local businesses to provide the resources needed for economic development?.
    Ex: There is a strong demand for information about Asia as Australia becomes engaged with countries of the Asia-Pacific region.
    Ex: In order to overcome isolation and develop a community oriented approach, libraries will need to engage with people.
    Ex: It is time the USA took a lead in consorting with other Western nations in mounting the 1st Annual international conference on information interchange.

    = collaborate, cooperate [co-operate], join + forces, play + ball, team, partner, pull + Posesivo + (own) weight, lend + a (helping) hand, pull together, put + Posesivo + shoulder to the wheel, set + Posesivo + shoulder to the wheel, muck in, pitch in.

    Ex: A joint author is a person who collaborates with one or more other persons to produce a work in relation to which the collaborators perform the same function.

    Ex: By 1960 a draft code had been produced, and from this time on, British and American Committees co-operated closely.
    Ex: Therefore, school librarians need to find ways of joining forces with publishers, booksellers and other librarians.
    Ex: She then said: 'If you want to fare reasonably well, you better play ball with me'.
    Ex: Information Today, Inc. and I are teaming to create a series of articles to be published in Computers in Libraries which will provide user ratings of library automation software.
    Ex: The article 'Let's partner as patriots' maintains that in recent years some people have begun to view the public library as an anachronism.
    Ex: Sometimes one person is left with all the work because their partner doesn't pull their weight.
    Ex: In a small shop the master would lend a hand with the work, certainly as a corrector and often as a compositor as well.
    Ex: She tells a story of courage in which the crew and the mission control pull together to work the problem through.
    Ex: They've all been putting their shoulder to the wheel and it's paid off.
    Ex: The Bolsheviks have manfully set their shoulders to the wheel undaunted by this staggering catastrophe.
    Ex: All our neighbours, relatives, friends, we all mucked in and helped each other -- they were mostly all women because all the men had gone to war.
    Ex: It's up to everyone to pitch in and help those who find themselves lacking the most basic of necessities -- food.
    * colaborando estrechamente = in close collaboration.
    * colaborar con = team up (with), partner with, become + engaged (in/with), engage with, consort with.
    * colaborar conjuntamente = work + cooperatively.

    * * *
    colaborar [A1 ]
    1 (en una tarea, un libro) to work, collaborate
    colaboró con nosotros en el proyecto he collaborated o worked with us on this project
    colabore con nosotros, mantenga limpia la ciudad help us keep the city clean
    colaborar EN algo:
    colaboró activamente en la resistencia she was active in the resistance
    colabora en una revista de fotografía he contributes to a photography magazine
    2 (contribuir) colaborar A algo to contribute TO sth, help sth
    el deporte colabora al desarrollo físico del niño sport contributes to o helps a child's physical development
    el nuevo reglamento ha colaborado a mejorar la situacion the new legislation has helped to improve the situation o has contributed to an improvement in the situation
    * * *


    colaborar ( conjugate colaborar) verbo intransitivo
    to collaborate;
    colaborar con algn to collaborate with sb;

    colaborar en algo ‹en proyecto/tarea› to collaborate on sth;

    en revista› to contribute to sth
    colaborar verbo intransitivo to collaborate, cooperate
    ' colaborar' also found in these entries:
    - cooperate
    - write
    - well
    * * *
    1. [cooperar] to collaborate ( con with);
    algunos maridos se niegan a colaborar en las tareas domésticas some husbands refuse to help with the housework;
    muchas personas colaboraron en el rescate many people helped in the rescue;
    que cada uno colabore con lo que pueda let everyone contribute what they can;
    colaboró en la campaña con un donativo de 3 millones she made a donation of 3 million to the campaign
    2. [en prensa]
    colaborar en o [m5] con to write for, to work for
    3. [contribuir] to contribute;
    una dieta que colabora a controlar el nivel colesterol a diet which helps to control cholesterol levels;
    los robots colaboran a incrementar la productividad robots help to increase productivity, robots contribute to increased productivity
    * * *
    v/i collaborate
    * * *
    : to collaborate
    * * *
    colaborar vb to cooperate

    Spanish-English dictionary > colaborar

  • 13 תקן

    תְּקֵןch. sam(תקןto make straight, firm, right), to be firm, stand (corresp. to b. h. כּוּן, כָּנַן). Targ. Ps. 90:17 יִתְקְנַן ed. Ven. (Ms. יְתַקְנַן; ed. Wil. יִתּקְּנוּן Ithpa.). Targ. Prov. 22:18 נִיתְקְנִין (ed. Wil. נִתּקְּנוּן Ithpa.). Pa. תַּקֵּין 1) to establish. Targ. Ps. 9:8. Ib. 74:16 Ms. (ed. Af.). Targ. Is. 62:7. Targ. 2 Sam. 7:12; a. fr.Part. pass. מְתַקַּן. Targ. Jdg. 16:26 (not … קֵן). Targ. Ps. 89:38 (ed. Lag. מִיתַּקַּן Ithpa.); a. e. 2) to prepare, arrange, set in order; to improve, do a thing properly. Targ. Is. 40:13 (h. text תכן). Targ. O. Ex. 16:5. Targ. Prov. 6:8. Targ. Ps. 11:2; a. e.Targ. O. Deut. 12:5, read with ed. Berl. יִתָּקַן.Part. pass. as ab. Targ. Ez. 16:13 (not … קֵן). Ib. 18:12; a. fr.Keth.112a bot. מְתַקֵּן מתקליה repaired its offences (dangerous places on the road to Palestine); Yalk. Ps. 855. Tam.27b תַּקֵּין נפשך put thyself in order (regulate thy bowels). Sabb.33b איזיל אֲתַקֵּין מילתא I will go and remedy something (do something to benefit the community). Ib. איכא מילתא דבעי לתַקּוּנֵי is there anything that requires to be remedied? Zeb.15a אפשר לתַקּוּנָהּ it can be remedied. Ib. 76b תַּקּוּנֵי גברא שאני when a person is to be made fit (restored from a disqualification), we make an exception; Men.105b. Keth.85a, a fr. לתקוני שדרתיך, v. עֲוַת; a. fr.Esp. to make fit for use by separating the priestly gifts. Gen. R. s. 60 תַּקְּנַת איליןוכ׳ hast thou tithed those figs? Ib. תַּקַּנְתּוּהוּ have you tithed it (the barley)?; a. fr.Part. pass. as ab. Ib. אפשר … דלא מְתַקְּנַן is it possible that R. Z. should have eaten of them when they were not tithed?; a. fr. 3) to introduce, ordain, innovate, reform. Ber.33b אי לאו … ותַקְּנִינְהוּ בתפלהוכ׳ were it not that Moses had said them (the words, ‘O God, great, mighty and terrible), and the men of the Great Assembly had come and introduced them in the prayers, we could not dare to say them. Ib. תמני סרי תַּקּוּןוכ׳ eighteen benedictions they have ordained, nineteen they have not. Ib. 40b ברכה דלא תַקִּינוּ רבנן a benediction which the Rabbis have not introduced. B. Bath.90b רב פפא … ת׳ כיילאוכ׳ Rab Papa … introduced a measure of three Ḳfizas. Ib. אנא … תַּקִּינִי I have introduced a new measure; a. v. fr. Af. אַתְקֵין 1) to establish. Targ. Prov. 3:19. Targ. Is. 30:33; a. e. 2) to prepare, arrange, set in order (V. Pa.). Targ. Num. 10:33. Targ. Gen. 43:16. Targ. Ex. 30:7; a. fr. 3) to introduce, ordain, innovate, reform. R. Hash. 34a איתקיןר׳ אבהווכ׳ (read: אַתְ׳; Ms. M. הִתְקִין Hebr.) R. A. introduced the custom in Cæsaræa of sounding one Tḳiʿah, three notes of Shbarim, and one Tḳiʿah. Ib. מאי א׳ what has he improved (what has he achieved with his ordinance)? Gitt.86a א׳ רב יהודהוכ׳ Rab Judah introduced the formula for the sale of slaves: ‘this slave Y.Hag. I, 76c ר׳ יודה … למַתְקְנָא לוןוכ׳ (or למְתַקְּנָא, Pa.) R. Judah the Nasi sent out R. H …, that they should pass the towns … to institute teachers of Bible and of Mishnah for them; Midr. Till. to Ps. 127; Lam. R. introd., beg. דיפקון ויַתְקְנוּן קרייתאוכ׳ (or ויתַקְּנוּן) that they should go and improve (the education of) the towns in Palestine; a. fr. Ithpa. אִתַּקֵּין, אִיתַּקַּן; Ithpe. אִיתְּקֵין, אִיתְ׳ 1) to be established, confirmed; to be prepared, arranged. Targ. 1 Kings 2:46. Targ. Prov. 12:19. Ib. 19:29 (ed. Wil. מְתַ׳, part. pass. Pa.); a. fr. 2) to be prepared, dressed; to dress, adorn ones self. Targ. Hos. 2:15. Targ. II Esth. 5:1; a. fr. 3) to be instituted, ordained. B. Kam.82a עזרא תיקן … מִיתַּקְּנָא Ezra introduced this? was it not introduced before that (by Moses)?; a. e.

    Jewish literature > תקן

  • 14 תְּקֵן

    תְּקֵןch. sam(תקןto make straight, firm, right), to be firm, stand (corresp. to b. h. כּוּן, כָּנַן). Targ. Ps. 90:17 יִתְקְנַן ed. Ven. (Ms. יְתַקְנַן; ed. Wil. יִתּקְּנוּן Ithpa.). Targ. Prov. 22:18 נִיתְקְנִין (ed. Wil. נִתּקְּנוּן Ithpa.). Pa. תַּקֵּין 1) to establish. Targ. Ps. 9:8. Ib. 74:16 Ms. (ed. Af.). Targ. Is. 62:7. Targ. 2 Sam. 7:12; a. fr.Part. pass. מְתַקַּן. Targ. Jdg. 16:26 (not … קֵן). Targ. Ps. 89:38 (ed. Lag. מִיתַּקַּן Ithpa.); a. e. 2) to prepare, arrange, set in order; to improve, do a thing properly. Targ. Is. 40:13 (h. text תכן). Targ. O. Ex. 16:5. Targ. Prov. 6:8. Targ. Ps. 11:2; a. e.Targ. O. Deut. 12:5, read with ed. Berl. יִתָּקַן.Part. pass. as ab. Targ. Ez. 16:13 (not … קֵן). Ib. 18:12; a. fr.Keth.112a bot. מְתַקֵּן מתקליה repaired its offences (dangerous places on the road to Palestine); Yalk. Ps. 855. Tam.27b תַּקֵּין נפשך put thyself in order (regulate thy bowels). Sabb.33b איזיל אֲתַקֵּין מילתא I will go and remedy something (do something to benefit the community). Ib. איכא מילתא דבעי לתַקּוּנֵי is there anything that requires to be remedied? Zeb.15a אפשר לתַקּוּנָהּ it can be remedied. Ib. 76b תַּקּוּנֵי גברא שאני when a person is to be made fit (restored from a disqualification), we make an exception; Men.105b. Keth.85a, a fr. לתקוני שדרתיך, v. עֲוַת; a. fr.Esp. to make fit for use by separating the priestly gifts. Gen. R. s. 60 תַּקְּנַת איליןוכ׳ hast thou tithed those figs? Ib. תַּקַּנְתּוּהוּ have you tithed it (the barley)?; a. fr.Part. pass. as ab. Ib. אפשר … דלא מְתַקְּנַן is it possible that R. Z. should have eaten of them when they were not tithed?; a. fr. 3) to introduce, ordain, innovate, reform. Ber.33b אי לאו … ותַקְּנִינְהוּ בתפלהוכ׳ were it not that Moses had said them (the words, ‘O God, great, mighty and terrible), and the men of the Great Assembly had come and introduced them in the prayers, we could not dare to say them. Ib. תמני סרי תַּקּוּןוכ׳ eighteen benedictions they have ordained, nineteen they have not. Ib. 40b ברכה דלא תַקִּינוּ רבנן a benediction which the Rabbis have not introduced. B. Bath.90b רב פפא … ת׳ כיילאוכ׳ Rab Papa … introduced a measure of three Ḳfizas. Ib. אנא … תַּקִּינִי I have introduced a new measure; a. v. fr. Af. אַתְקֵין 1) to establish. Targ. Prov. 3:19. Targ. Is. 30:33; a. e. 2) to prepare, arrange, set in order (V. Pa.). Targ. Num. 10:33. Targ. Gen. 43:16. Targ. Ex. 30:7; a. fr. 3) to introduce, ordain, innovate, reform. R. Hash. 34a איתקיןר׳ אבהווכ׳ (read: אַתְ׳; Ms. M. הִתְקִין Hebr.) R. A. introduced the custom in Cæsaræa of sounding one Tḳiʿah, three notes of Shbarim, and one Tḳiʿah. Ib. מאי א׳ what has he improved (what has he achieved with his ordinance)? Gitt.86a א׳ רב יהודהוכ׳ Rab Judah introduced the formula for the sale of slaves: ‘this slave Y.Hag. I, 76c ר׳ יודה … למַתְקְנָא לוןוכ׳ (or למְתַקְּנָא, Pa.) R. Judah the Nasi sent out R. H …, that they should pass the towns … to institute teachers of Bible and of Mishnah for them; Midr. Till. to Ps. 127; Lam. R. introd., beg. דיפקון ויַתְקְנוּן קרייתאוכ׳ (or ויתַקְּנוּן) that they should go and improve (the education of) the towns in Palestine; a. fr. Ithpa. אִתַּקֵּין, אִיתַּקַּן; Ithpe. אִיתְּקֵין, אִיתְ׳ 1) to be established, confirmed; to be prepared, arranged. Targ. 1 Kings 2:46. Targ. Prov. 12:19. Ib. 19:29 (ed. Wil. מְתַ׳, part. pass. Pa.); a. fr. 2) to be prepared, dressed; to dress, adorn ones self. Targ. Hos. 2:15. Targ. II Esth. 5:1; a. fr. 3) to be instituted, ordained. B. Kam.82a עזרא תיקן … מִיתַּקְּנָא Ezra introduced this? was it not introduced before that (by Moses)?; a. e.

    Jewish literature > תְּקֵן

  • 15 galvanize

    1) ind. galvanizzare
    2) fig. galvanizzare [group, community]; stimolare [ campaign]

    to galvanize sb. into doing — spingere qcn. a fare

    * * *
    1) (to cover (iron or steel) with a thin layer of zinc to prevent it rusting.) galvanizzare
    2) ((with into) to cause or move (a person) to do something: The threat of losing their jobs galvanized the men into action.) stimolare
    * * *
    1) ind. galvanizzare
    2) fig. galvanizzare [group, community]; stimolare [ campaign]

    to galvanize sb. into doing — spingere qcn. a fare

    English-Italian dictionary > galvanize

  • 16 Ford, Henry

    b. 30 July 1863 Dearborn, Michigan, USA
    d. 7 April 1947 Dearborn, Michigan, USA
    American pioneer motor-car maker and developer of mass-production methods.
    He was the son of an Irish immigrant farmer, William Ford, and the oldest son to survive of Mary Litogot; his mother died in 1876 with the birth of her sixth child. He went to the village school, and at the age of 16 he was apprenticed to Flower brothers' machine shop and then at the Drydock \& Engineering Works in Detroit. In 1882 he left to return to the family farm and spent some time working with a 1 1/2 hp steam engine doing odd jobs for the farming community at $3 per day. He was then employed as a demonstrator for Westinghouse steam engines. He met Clara Jane Bryant at New Year 1885 and they were married on 11 April 1888. Their only child, Edsel Bryant Ford, was born on 6 November 1893.
    At that time Henry worked on steam engine repairs for the Edison Illuminating Company, where he became Chief Engineer. He became one of a group working to develop a "horseless carriage" in 1896 and in June completed his first vehicle, a "quadri cycle" with a two-cylinder engine. It was built in a brick shed, which had to be partially demolished to get the carriage out.
    Ford became involved in motor racing, at which he was more successful than he was in starting a car-manufacturing company. Several early ventures failed, until the Ford Motor Company of 1903. By October 1908 they had started with production of the Model T. The first, of which over 15 million were built up to the end of its production in May 1927, came out with bought-out steel stampings and a planetary gearbox, and had a one-piece four-cylinder block with a bolt-on head. This was one of the most successful models built by Ford or any other motor manufacturer in the life of the motor car.
    Interchangeability of components was an important element in Ford's philosophy. Ford was a pioneer in the use of vanadium steel for engine components. He adopted the principles of Frederick Taylor, the pioneer of time-and-motion study, and installed the world's first moving assembly line for the production of magnetos, started in 1913. He installed blast furnaces at the factory to make his own steel, and he also promoted research and the cultivation of the soya bean, from which a plastic was derived.
    In October 1913 he introduced the "Five Dollar Day", almost doubling the normal rate of pay. This was a profit-sharing scheme for his employees and contained an element of a reward for good behaviour. About this time he initiated work on an agricultural tractor, the "Fordson" made by a separate company, the directors of which were Henry and his son Edsel.
    In 1915 he chartered the Oscar II, a "peace ship", and with fifty-five delegates sailed for Europe a week before Christmas, docking at Oslo. Their objective was to appeal to all European Heads of State to stop the war. He had hoped to persuade manufacturers to replace armaments with tractors in their production programmes. In the event, Ford took to his bed in the hotel with a chill, stayed there for five days and then sailed for New York and home. He did, however, continue to finance the peace activists who remained in Europe. Back in America, he stood for election to the US Senate but was defeated. He was probably the father of John Dahlinger, illegitimate son of Evangeline Dahlinger, a stenographer employed by the firm and on whom he lavished gifts of cars, clothes and properties. He became the owner of a weekly newspaper, the Dearborn Independent, which became the medium for the expression of many of his more unorthodox ideas. He was involved in a lawsuit with the Chicago Tribune in 1919, during which he was cross-examined on his knowledge of American history: he is reputed to have said "History is bunk". What he actually said was, "History is bunk as it is taught in schools", a very different comment. The lawyers who thus made a fool of him would have been surprised if they could have foreseen the force and energy that their actions were to release. For years Ford employed a team of specialists to scour America and Europe for furniture, artefacts and relics of all kinds, illustrating various aspects of history. Starting with the Wayside Inn from South Sudbury, Massachusetts, buildings were bought, dismantled and moved, to be reconstructed in Greenfield Village, near Dearborn. The courthouse where Abraham Lincoln had practised law and the Ohio bicycle shop where the Wright brothers built their first primitive aeroplane were added to the farmhouse where the proprietor, Henry Ford, had been born. Replicas were made of Independence Hall, Congress Hall and the old City Hall in Philadelphia, and even a reconstruction of Edison's Menlo Park laboratory was installed. The Henry Ford museum was officially opened on 21 October 1929, on the fiftieth anniversary of Edison's invention of the incandescent bulb, but it continued to be a primary preoccupation of the great American car maker until his death.
    Henry Ford was also responsible for a number of aeronautical developments at the Ford Airport at Dearborn. He introduced the first use of radio to guide a commercial aircraft, the first regular airmail service in the United States. He also manufactured the country's first all-metal multi-engined plane, the Ford Tri-Motor.
    Edsel became President of the Ford Motor Company on his father's resignation from that position on 30 December 1918. Following the end of production in May 1927 of the Model T, the replacement Model A was not in production for another six months. During this period Henry Ford, though officially retired from the presidency of the company, repeatedly interfered and countermanded the orders of his son, ostensibly the man in charge. Edsel, who died of stomach cancer at his home at Grosse Point, Detroit, on 26 May 1943, was the father of Henry Ford II. Henry Ford died at his home, "Fair Lane", four years after his son's death.
    1922, with S.Crowther, My Life and Work, London: Heinemann.
    Further Reading
    R.Lacey, 1986, Ford, the Men and the Machine, London: Heinemann. W.C.Richards, 1948, The Last Billionaire, Henry Ford, New York: Charles Scribner.

    Biographical history of technology > Ford, Henry

  • 17 ὁμολογέω

    ὁμολογέω (ὁμόλογος ‘of one mind’) impf. ὡμολόγουν; fut. ὁμολογήσω; 1 aor. ὡμολόγησα. Pass.: aor. 3 sg. ὡμολογήθη (Just.); pf. ὡμολόγηται (Just.) (Soph., Hdt.+)
    to commit oneself to do someth. for someone, promise, assure (Hdt., Pla. et al.; IGR IV, 542, 6f [Phryg.] εὐχὴν …, ἣν ὡμολόγησεν ἐν Ῥώμη; Jos., Ant. 6, 40 ‘consent’) ἐπαγγελίας ἧς (by attr. of the rel. for ἥν) ὡμολόγησεν ὁ θεὸς τῷ Ἀβραάμ promise that God had made to Abraham Ac 7:17; μεθʼ ὅρκου ὁμ. w. aor. inf. foll. (B-D-F §350; Rob. 1031f) promise with an oath Mt 14:7. Solemnly promise, vow ὁ … ὁμολογήσας μὴ γῆμαι ἄγαμος διαμενέτω Agr 18.
    to share a common view or be of common mind about a matter, agree (Hdt. 2, 81 of similarity in cultic rites; Pla., Sym. 202b ὁμολογεῖταί γε παρὰ πάντων μέγας θεὸς εἶναι=there is general agreement that [Love] is a great god; prob. Cleanthes in his definition of τὸ ἀγαθόν: Coll. Alex. p. 229, no. 3, 7; 4 Macc 13:5 reach a conclusion together; pap; Sext. Emp., Adv. Eth. 218 agreement on a subject; Iren. 1, 26, 2 [Harv. I 212, 5] οἱ … Ἐβιωναῖοι ὁμ. μὲν τον κόσμον ὑπὸ τοῦ ὄντως θεοῦ γεγονέναι; Theoph. Ant. 2, 4 [p. 102, 10]) ὁμολογοῦσιν τὰ ἀμφότερα they agree (with one another) on all of them Ac 23:8 (but s. 3a below). This meaning readily shades into
    to concede that something is factual or true, grant, admit, confess (Just., D. 80, 1 admission of someth. in an argument; sim. 110, 1)
    gener., to admit the truth of someth. (Pla., Prot. 317b ὁμολογῶ σοφιστὴς εἶναι; Jos., Ant. 3, 322 an admission of factuality by enemies; Just., D. 2, 5 ὡμολόγησα μὴ εἰδέναι admission of ignorance) agree, admit καθάπερ καὶ αὐτὸς ὡμολόγησας Dg 2:1. ὁμολογήσαντες ὅτι ξένοι εἰσίν admitting that they were (only) foreigners Hb 11:13. ὁμολογοῦμεν χάριν μὴ εἰληφέναι we admit that we have not received grace IMg 8:1. For Ac 23:8 s. 2 above.
    w. a judicial connotation: make a confession, confess abs. MPol 6:1; 9:2. τί τινι: ὁμολογῶ δὲ τοῦτό σοι, ὅτι Ac 24:14. Foll. by acc. and inf. ὡμολόγησεν ἑαυτὸν Χριστιανὸν εἶναι MPol 12:1 (cp. w. inf. foll.: Just., A II, 13, 2 Χριστιανὸς εὑρεθῆναι … ὁμολογῶ; Theoph. Ant. 2, 8 [p. 118, 7] ὁμ. αὐτὰ τὰ πλάνα πνεύματα εἶναι δαίμονες). Cp. John the Baptist’s action in reply to questioning by the authorities καὶ ὡμολόγησεν καὶ οὐκ ἠρνήσατο καὶ ὡμολόγησεν ὅτι (dir. disc. follows) J 1:20 (cp. Plut., Mor. 509e in interrogation; the contrast ὁμ. and ἀρνεῖσθαι as Thu. 6, 60, 3; Phalaris, Ep. 147, 3 ὁμολογοῦμεν κ. οὐκ ἀρνησόμεθα; Aelian, NA 2, 43; Jos., Ant. 6, 151; cp. MPol 9:2 and many of the passages given below).
    w. focus on admission of wrongdoing (X., An. 1, 6, 7; Ps.-Aristot., Mirabilia 152 ὁμολογοῦντες ἃ ἐπιώρκησαν; Arrian, Anab. 7, 29, 2 [s. ἴασις 2]; Jos., Ant. 6, 151) ἐὰν ὁμολογῶμεν τὰς ἁμαρτίας ἡμῶν if we confess our sins 1J 1:9 (cp. Appian, Liby. 79 §369 ὁμολογοῦντες ἁμαρτεῖν; Sir 4:26; ApcSed 13:3 [abs.]; ὁμ. τὸ ἁμάρτημα Did., Gen. 93, 6; ins fr. Sardis: ὁμολογῶ τ[ὸ| ἁμάρτημ]α Μηνί=I confess my sin to Men, s. FSteinleitner, Die Beicht 1913, p. 46 no. 20, 4f=ILydiaKP p. 15, no. 25). S. ἐξομολογέω 2a.
    to acknowledge someth., ordinarily in public, acknowledge, claim, profess, praise
    of a public declaration as such (Herodian. 4, 4, 5 [fr. Steinleitner, p. 109, s. 3c] expression of thanks) ὁμολογήσω αὐτοῖς ὅτι (w. dir. disc. foll.) I will say to them plainly Mt 7:23. W. inf. foll. (X., Mem. 2, 3, 9; Jos., Ant. 9, 254) θεὸν ὁμολογοῦσιν εἰδέναι they claim to know God Tit 1:16 (opp. ἀρνεῖσθαι, s. 3b).
    of profession of allegiance (ὁμολογῶ εἶναι χριστιανός Theoph. Ant. 1, 1 [p. 58, 11])—Esp. of confessing Christ, or the teaching of his community/church; w. double acc. (B-D-F §157, 2; 416, 3; Rob. 480.—Jos., Ant. 5, 52; Just., A II, 5, 1 εἰ θεὸν ὡμολογοῦμεν βοηθόν, D. 35, 2 Ἰησοῦν ὁμολογεῖν καὶ κύριον καὶ χριστόν) ἐὰν ὁμολογήσῃς κύριον Ἰησοῦν if you confess Jesus as Lord Ro 10:9 (cp. τὸν Δία ὁμ. θεόν Orig., C. Cels. 5, 46, 7). αὐτὸν ὁμ. Χριστόν confess that he is the Messiah J 9:22. ὁμ. αὐτὸν σαρκοφόρον ISm 5:2. ὁμ. Ἰησοῦν Χριστὸν ἐν σαρκὶ ἐληλυθότα acknowledge that Jesus Christ has come in the flesh 1J 4:2; cp. 2J 7. W. acc. and inf. (Isocr., Or. 4, 100, 61d; Aelian, VH 1, 27; Orig., C. Cels. 1, 41, 9) ὁμ. Ἰησοῦν Χρ. ἐν σαρκὶ ἐληλυθέναι Pol 7:1a; 1J 4:2 v.l. ὁμ. τὴν εὐχαριστίαν σάρκα εἶναι τοῦ σωτῆρος ἡμῶν Ἰ. Χρ. ISm 7:1. W. ὅτι foll. (Isocr., Or. 11, 5, 222d, but w. mng. 2; Just., D. 39, 6) ὁμ. ὅτι Ἰησοῦς ἐστιν ὁ υἱὸς τοῦ θεοῦ 1J 4:15. ὁμ. ὅτι κύριον ἔχετε Hs 9, 28, 7 (opp. ἀρν.). W. a single acc. of the pers. whom one confesses, or whom one declares to be someth. that is revealed by the context (Just., D. 35, 1, 2 Ἰησοῦν … ὁμολογεῖν; Did., Gen. 176, 13 ὁ γὰρ ὁμολογῶν τὸν θεὸν ἐν Χριστῷ τοῦτο ποιεῖ; Theoph. Ant. 3, 9 [p. 222, 13] θεὸν ὁμ.): ὁμ. τὸν υἱόν 1J 2:23 (opp. ἀρν. as Mel., P. 73, 537 ἀπαρνήσω τὸν ὁμολογήσαντά σε). μὴ ὁμ. τὸν Ἰησοῦν 4:3 (s. λύω 4, end). Cp. 2 Cl 3:2a. τινὰ ἔν τινι someone by someth. ἐν τοῖς ἔργοις 4:3; cp. 3:4. ἐὰν ὁμολογήσωμεν διʼ οὗ ἐσώθημεν if we confess him through whom we were saved 3:3. The acc. (αὐτόν) is supplied fr. the context J 12:42; cp. Hs 9, 28, 4.—W. acc. of thing ὁμ. τὸ μαρτύριον τοῦ σταυροῦ Pol 7:1b. ὁμ. τὴν καλὴν ὁμολογίαν 1 Ti 6:12 (ὁμ. ὁμολογίαν=‘make a promise’: Pla., Crito 52a; Jer 51:25; but = ‘bear testimony to a conviction’: Philo, Mut. Nom. 57, Abr. 203).—Instead of acc. of pers. we may have ἔν τινι confess someone, an Aramaism (s. Mlt-H. 463f; B-D-F §220, 2; EbNestle, ZNW 7,1906, 279f; 8, 1907, 241; 9, 1908, 253; FBurkitt, Earliest Sources for the Life of Jesus 1910, 19f). ὅστις ὁμολογήσει ἐν ἐμοὶ ἔμπροσθεν τῶν ἀνθρώπων whoever confesses me before people Mt 10:32a; sim. Lk 12:8a. But 2 Cl 3:2 uses the acc. when it quotes this saying (s. above.—In these last three pass. opp. ἀρν.). Jesus’ acknowledgment of the believer on judgment day complements this confession: ἐν αὐτῷ Mt 10:32b; Lk 12:8b. αὐτόν 2 Cl 3:2b (opp. ἀρν. in all these pass.—GBornkamm, D. Wort Jesu vom Bekennen [Mt 10:32]: Pastoraltheologie 34, ’39, 108–18). τὸ ὄνομα αὐτοῦ Rv 3:5.—Abs. pass. στόματι ὁμολογεῖται with the mouth confession is made Ro 10:10.
    praise w. dat. ( Dio Chrys. 10 [11], 147; B-D-F §187, 4; Rob. 541. In the LXX ἐξομολογεῖσθαι τῷ θεῷ. S. ἐξομολογέω 4.) καρπὸς χειλέων ὁμολογούντων τῷ ὀνόματι αὐτοῦ the fruit of lips that praise his name Hb 13:15.—B. 1267. DELG s.v. ὁμό. M-M. TW. Sv.

    Ελληνικά-Αγγλικά παλαιοχριστιανική Λογοτεχνία > ὁμολογέω

  • 18 полиция

    2) Colloquial: the law, heat
    3) American: long arm
    4) Military: (военная) coppers, (военная) police
    5) British English: cozzers (from Hebrew 'chazer' meaning pig.), the Old Bill
    6) Law: constabulary force, enforcement (патрульная), force, law enforcement (патрульная), law enforcement community, law enforcement force, police establishment, policy force
    7) Australian slang: (рифм. сленг) duck and geese
    8) Diplomatic term: police agency
    9) Jargon: Old Bill (британский сленг), (the fuzz) fuzz, pork, squad, the Bill (британский сленг, сокращение от "the Old Bill"), the fuzz, the men, blue and white (A blue and white suddenly appeared, and I knew we were finished. Внезапно нагрянула полиция, но я знал, что мы управились..), lard (Here comes the lard! А вот и полиция!), po-po (Originated in California where bicycle mounted cops travel around in sets of two. They wear vests with giant PO's written on them. Thus the name "po-po" originated.), blue boys, blue coats, Sam and Dave, J.Edgar, metros, nail-em-and-jail-em, fur, law, five oh, big brother, goon squad, the man
    10) Business: uniformed police

    Универсальный русско-английский словарь > полиция

  • 19 spirit

    A n
    1 ( essential nature) (of law, game, era) esprit m ; the spirit of the original l'esprit de l'original ; it's not in the spirit of the agreement ce n'est pas conforme à l'esprit de l'accord ;
    2 (mood, attitude) esprit m (of de) ; community/team spirit esprit communautaire/d'équipe ; in a spirit of friendship dans un esprit amical ; a spirit of forgiveness/of reconciliation une intention d'indulgence/de réconciliation ; a spirit of optimism une tendance à l'optimisme ; I am in a party spirit je me sens prêt à faire la fête ; there is a party spirit about il y a une atmosphère de fête ; to do sth in the right/wrong spirit faire qch de façon positive/négative ; to take a remark in the right/wrong spirit bien/mal prendre une remarque ; to enter into the spirit of sth se conformer à l'esprit de qch ; there was a great ou good spirit among the men il y avait un excellent état d'esprit entre les hommes ; that's the spirit ! c'est ça! ;
    3 (courage, determination) courage m, énergie f ; to show spirit se montrer courageux/-euse ; to break sb's spirit briser la résistance or la volonté de qn ; a performance full of spirit une interprétation pleine de brio ; with spirit [play, defend] avec détermination ;
    4 ( soul) gen, Mythol, Relig esprit m ; the life of the spirit la vie spirituelle ; evil spirit esprit du mal ; the Holy Spirit le Saint-Esprit ;
    5 ( person) esprit m ; he was a courageous spirit c'était un esprit courageux ; a leading spirit in the movement l'âme f du mouvement ;
    6 ( drink) alcool m fort ; wines and spirits Comm vins et spiritueux mpl ;
    7 Chem, Pharm alcool m.
    B spirits npl to be in good/poor spirits être de bonne/mauvaise humeur ; to be in high spirits être d'excellente humeur ; to keep one's spirits up garder le moral ; to raise sb's spirits remonter le moral de qn ; my spirits rose/sank j'ai repris/perdu courage.
    C modif [lamp, stove] à alcool.
    D vtr to spirit sth/sb away faire disparaître qch/qn ; to spirit sth in/out introduire/sortir discrètement qch.

    Big English-French dictionary > spirit

  • 20 כנסת

    כְּנֶסֶתf. (preced.) 1) gathering, storage. Y.B. Bath.IV, 14c bot. בית הכ׳ שלעצים a store-house for wood (= אוֹצָר). 2) assembly, community, congregation, esp. congregation of worshippers. Ex. R. s. 21 (interch. with preced. w.); Yalk. Ps. 840, v. preced.בית הכ׳ (abbr. בה״כ) synagogue. Ber.6a. Meg.III, 1 (25b); a. fr.Sot.VII, 7 חזן הכ׳ the sexton of the synagogue within the Temple precincts; Succ.51b of the synagogue of Alexandria, v. חַזָּן; a. fr.כ׳ ישראל (abbrev. כ״י) the congregation of Israel, the Ecclesia, (often personified as a woman betrothed to the Lord). Cant. R. to I, 4; a. fr.כ׳ הגדולה (abbr. כה״ג) the Great Assembly, Ecclesia or Synagoga Magna, a supreme authority established under Ezra and Nehemiah. Ab. I, 1, a. fr. אנשי כ׳ הג׳ the men of the original Great Synagogue. Ib. 2 שיריכה״ג the last members of the Great Synagogue.Pl. כְּנֵסִיּוֹת, כְּנֵיסִ׳. Lam. R. introd. (R. Yitsḥ. 3) בני כְּנֵסִיּוֹתָיו his fellow-members in the royal council; (Yalk. Is. 318 בני המלך).בתי כ׳ synagogues. Meg.6a. Y. ib. III, beg.73d ארבע … ב׳ כ׳וכ׳ there were four hundred and eighty synagogues in Jerusalem, and each had a school Ḥull.51a מפטיר כ׳ janitor at meetings of scholars in college. Pes.49b ראשי כ׳ chiefs of congregations or synagogues.

    Jewish literature > כנסת

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